Position type: PhD student.
Advisor: Dr. Sergio Díaz Tendero.
Location: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Eligibility criteria: The ideal candidate should have a degree in Chemistry or Physics as well as a Master degree in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry/Physics or equivalent. He/she should have experience using Linux, Quantum Chemistry codes, and basic knowledge of programming (shell script, Fortran, Python). A good academic record, high English level, writing skills and learning capacities are required.
Research objective: In this project we plan to simulate processes that occurs when complex molecular systems are exposed to non-standard conditions, which correspond to processes in the frontier between Physics and Chemistry, or under hybrid environments, where solids, liquids and/or gases coexist. The main goal is to get a deep understanding of ultrafast reactivity at the nanoscale. The PhD project aims to study the ultrafast dynamics of reactions in molecules and molecular clusters in the gas phase under intense irradiation. The main methods to be employed will be ab initio molecular dynamics and density functional theory, among others, and the simulations will be performed in high-performance-computing resources. This PhD project will be carried out in an international environment and in close collaboration with experimental groups that have access to state-of-the-art technologies in advanced high-performance facilities such as synchrotrons, free-electron-lasers, highenergy ion accelerators, cryogenic ion-beam storage rings, etc.
Duration: 3 years.
Starting date: October-November 2023.
When to apply: September 2023.ç
How to apply: Applications should be submitted via email to sergio.diaztendero@uam.es, providing an updated curriculum vitae. Additionally, the name and email of two references can be also included in the application.