What's New
Front Cover in Organic Chemistry Frontiers
The article “Intramolecular hydrogen bond activation for kinetic resolution of furanone derivatives by an…
Front Cover in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
The article “Harnessing the power of the De Mayo reaction: unveiling a photochemical and…
Front Cover in Trends in Chemistry
The article “Subphthalocyanines: contracted porphyrinoids with expanded applications” co-authored by Jorge Labella and Prof.…
Inside Front Cover in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
The article “Non-ergodic fragmentation upon collision-induced activation of cysteine-water cluster cations” co-authored by our…
Front Cover in Organic Letters
The article “Enantioselective Addition of Remote Alkyl Radicals to Double Bonds by Photocatalytic Proton-Coupled…