IAdChem Grants for Master Theses 2024

The IAdChem is pleased to announce the 2024 Call for Master Theses Grants. The aim is promoting collaborative research between different groups within the Institute. A total of 3 grants of 1,000 € each will be awarded.


  • The Master Thesis (Trabajo Fin de Máster, TFM) must be co-directed by two IAdChem member researchers belonging to different research groups.
  • Directors belonging to different departments of the Faculty of Sciences will be positively valued.
  • TFMs must start in the academic year 2024-2025 and the delivery of the grants is subject to the fact that the beneficiary has submitted and approved the TFM, either in the ordinary or extraordinary examination period.
  • Grants are compatible with any other type of scholarship/subsidy.
  • Grants are individual with an economic endowment of 1,000 € gross each.


  • Interested candidates must send their applications until December 20th, 2024. Applications received beyond that date will be excluded.
  • Interested parties must send the following three documents: (i) a summary of the project to be carried out with a maximum extension of one A4 sheet with a minimum font size 11, (ii) certificate of the academic record of the student who will carry out the TFM, and (iii) curriculum vitae (CV) that includes updated contact address, telephone number and email.
  • The three documents must be submitted in PDF format by sending them to the e-mail address iadchem@uam.es, indicating in the e-mail subject “Ayuda TFM UAM-IAdChem 2024”.


The jury that will deliberate to decide the granting of aid will be made up of representatives of the UAM and other universities and/or research centers or public institutions, external to IAdChem.


The jury will announce the grant beneficiaries on January 30th, 2025.


Grants will be awarded in person and will take place in a public act in some of the different workshops or congresses organized by the IAdChem in 2025 at the Faculty of Sciences of the UAM. The beneficiaries of the grants must give a conference on the objectives and main results of their TFM. The details about the date and the time will be informed in advance on the Institute’s website: www.iadchem.uam.es.

Contact email for more information: iadchem@uam.es.

You can find all the information in Spanish here.